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Ontario Association of Physics Teachers Constitution

Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Ontario Association of Physics Teachers, or OAPT. (Originally, the organization?s name was the Ontario Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers, or AAPT.)

Article II: Objectives
The objectives of the Section shall be:
(1) To advance the knowledge of teachers in the field of physics by providing workshops, information sharing, and conferences. 
(2) To advance and promote education in the field of physics by providing scholarships and prizes for academic achievement for secondary, college, or university students.

Article III: Not-For-Profit Clause
The Association shall be carried on without purpose of gain for its members, and any profits or other accretions to the Association shall be used in promoting its objectives.

Article IV: Membership
Any teacher or student in secondary school, college, or university in Ontario shall be eligible for membership in the Section. The Section boundaries are the borders of Ontario. Other persons may be elected into membership if their election, in the judgment of the Executive Committee, will promote the objectives of the Section.

Article V: Officers and Executive Committee
(1) The officers of the Section shall be a President, a Vice-President (President-Elect), a Secretary-Treasurer, and a Section Representative (to the National AAPT).
(2) The duties of these officers shall be those normally assigned to the respective offices. The Vice-President shall be the program chairman of the Section,
(3) The Executive Committee shall consist of the four officers of the Section, the past president, and one member-at-large.
(4) The Executive Committee shall solicit nominations from the membership at large and shall conduct an annual election by mail ballot, electronic voting, or at the annual Spring meeting of the Section,
(5) The newly-elected members of the Executive Committee (i.e., Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Section Representative, and Member-at-large) shall be announced at the Spring meeting,
(6) At the close of the Spring meeting, the newly-elected members of the Executive Committee shall take office, and the Vice-President shall automatically succeed the President. 
(7) If for any reason any of these offices shall fall vacant, the vacancy shall be filled temporarily by the Executive Committee until an election can be held at the next meeting of the Section.

Article VI: Meetings
(1) The Section shall meet annually in the Spring.
(2) The meeting places for the Section shall be arranged by the Executive Committee.

Article VII: Dues
(1) Each Member of the Section shall pay annual dues of $8.00. 
(2) Any change in dues, as recommended by the Executive Committee, shall be voted on by the membership in a mail ballot, electronic voting, or at the annual Spring meeting of the Section.
(3) A two-thirds majority of those voting is required for a change in dues.

Article VIII: Fiscal Year
For accounting and planning purposes, the fiscal year shall run from June 1 of one year to May 30 of the following year.

Article IX: Amendments
(1) Any group of three members may propose amendments to this Constitution.
(2) Amendments to this Constitution shall be made by a two-thirds majority of those voting in a mail ballot, electronic voting, or at the annual Spring meeting of the Section conducted by the Executive Committee.

Effective Date: April 18, 2005

Patrick Whippey President
Jim Ross Vice President
Al Hirsch Member at Large

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